Pearls from Ewen Chia

A mailing list is a list of people who signed up to receive your mailings, such as newsletters, ecourses, ebooks, and other emails. There are many benefits to having a huge mailing list. Here are a few reasons why you will want to start building one today.

There is an old saying that says, “The money is in the follow up”, and that holds true for your list. Your mailing list provides you a way of staying in touch with people who have visited your website. Maybe they didn’t buy anything the first time they visited your site. However, if you stay in touch with them on a regular basis, they may turn into a loyal customer.

There are several types of mailing list formats to choose from. You may want to include each kind on your website. You can offer a general newsletter that people can subscribe to. This is a great way to keep people informed on the updates you have made to your site. You can include excerpts from any articles you recently added with links to the full text. If you offer podcasts, you can include information about upcoming information you will be featuring, etc.

You can also choose to have a tips list or ecourse. People love numbers and are eager to sign up for a tips list, such as “15 ways to get organized today” or “50 ways to work from home”, etc. These tips can be small emails that are delivered daily to your mailing list. An ecourse is a great way to promote your information products. You can include a tiny bit of information and deliver a daily or weekly lesson to your mailing list.

The best way to manage a mailing list is through an autoresponder service. When you sign up for such a service, you can create a list and load email messages into it. When someone signs up for your list, they will automatically start to receive the messages you have already written. Each person will receive message 1, and the autoresponder will continue to send the messages in the order you selected.

While the main purpose of having a mailing list is to promote products, your visitors will be eager to sign up for them if you provide helpful information. With your mailing lists, you will want to include a “p.s” after the body of the message. These will grab your readers’ attention. You can use this space to include your affiliate links for other products you are promoting. Your mailing list will allow you to cross promote your products and services and turn “fence sitters” into customers.

Learn more here

Pearls from Ewen Chia

A hot topic among Internet marketers is the debate over mini sites versus big sites. A mini site is a small website consisting of two to five pages which is devoted to one subject. These are also called niche sites. A big site is a website that has hundreds or thousands of pages devoted to several subjects on a given topic.

When you create a mini site, your goal is for the visitor to take action. You don’t have to put up any fancy graphics or outgoing links. You want your visitor to stay focused on your message.

When you have a large website, you can take the time to add banners, outgoing links, and even flash plug-ins. You can have various sections that focus on different subjects, all relating to the same topic.

Some people may say that a mini site will increase your sales. Your visitors won’t be distracted by other things and they won’t click away as easily. Plus, you don’t have to worry about technical problems as much. If you have one large site, and it crashes, your business stops. On the other hand, if you have several mini sites, you don’t have to worry about your business completely stopping. Your other sites can still function and you can continue to earn money while your troubled site gets repaired.

Other people think that mini sites may repel some of your business. If your business consists of too many niches, you may lose out on repeat business from the same customers. For instance, if you have a mini site devoted to poodle shampoo, you will find some customers willing to buy information products on that subject.

However, if you had a larger site devoted to a larger subject, and poodle shampoo was just one of the topics, you could offer your customers complementary products. As you know, once someone is your customer, it will be easier to sell them other items.

There are benefits and pitfalls when it comes to organizing these two types of sites as well. With a mini site, there is not much content. You do not have to worry about subfolders and subdomains. However, maintaining 100 small sites can certainly take up a large chunk of time.

When you have a large site, you will have to worry about subfolders. But if you organize your site well in the beginning, finding content and links shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

When you decide between a large site and several mini sites, there are pros and cons for both ways. The choice really comes down to the way you want to run your business, and which you feel would be the better choice for you.

Learn more here

Below is the list of valuable resources you can learn to start building your own affiliate business:

Pearls from Ewen Chia

Believe it or not, there are still many business owners who do not have websites. The Internet has dramatically changed the way people communicate, send and receive information, and shop. If you do not have a website, you are hurting your business.

A website makes you look like a solid professional. If you wanted to do business with someone, especially if it was business done long distance, you would expect them to have some type of website that gave you information about the type of services they provide. The costs for registering a domain and building and hosting the website are very inexpensive. Without a website, your business can look second rate.

Another reason why you need a website is so people can find you. If someone is sitting at home trying to find a good copywriter, they will more than likely turn on the Internet and perform a search. If you are a copywriter and you don’t have a website, they cannot find you. And if they cannot find you, they cannot hire you.

Even if you decide to build your business locally, it helps to have a website. You can distribute resumes, business cards, and flyers with your phone number, and you may receive some phone calls. However, if you have a website where people can get a glimpse of what you do, you will earn more business. Plus, some people would rather pop onto your website and email you versus picking up a phone and calling you.

Your website will also let people know exactly what type of services you offer and how much you charge. People do not want to wait for that information. They want to know things now. You can also include an online portfolio where prospective clients can view work that you have completed and read past clients’ testimonials. This can help them decide if you are the person who can handle the project they need completed.

Having a website will also allow for automated ordering. If you sell cosmetics and one of your clients is having a bout of insomnia and decides to surf the web at 2:00 in the morning, they can happily shop for your products at home. They do not need to wait until the next day to call an order in to you.

Websites also allow you to do business globally. Instead of focusing on your local area, people from all over the world can view your site and do business with you. This opens up a whole new base of clients and opportunities.

Having a website, even a simple one, will only help your business. Without one, you are going to be losing out on many prospective clients and sales.

Learn more here

If you have your own blog or website, there are many ways and strategies you can use in making money online. And it will be as fast and easy to generate your passive income. Here are some samples of money making methods:

1. Pay per click (PPC)
PPC perhaps is the most popular methods to earn money online using your blog or website. You only need to choose the company you wanted to make collaboration in generating customers to your website. Every time a visitor click on the advertisement you display on your blog or website, you automatically get the pay. Yo can earn higher amount of money depend on the PPC provider.

The most popular PPC method you can use is Google AdSense that makes 100% targeted customers to boast your clicks. In using this PPC, you need to be careful to read their terms and conditions. Take note of the top violations and conditions that might highly affect you and your blog or website.

2. Affiliates
If your blog or website have a good traffic and doing well in the search engine and in the niche, affiliate marketing is also one of the good in making. In the search engine, you will find many advertisers that will you to sell their products and give your percentage sale on your blog or website. You are going to promote the advertiser’s products and services that will allow your client to choose and buy other products while you earn your sum share.

Just stay put and you don’t need to worry about the sale as the traffic itself directs everything upon your customers’ purchase and credits into your account in completion of sale. You can pick an affiliate or join any advertiser marketing site on the net, select and gather the best in the list and compare the prices and revenue you will get. In this way you can go for a must in affiliate marketing.

3. The CMP advertising (cost per thousand impressions)
This an another way of making the most of your earning website. Just integrate code into your website to generate an ads and you can get paid per thousand of impressions you make. It is good for the earning website with high traffic. You can find some companies that offers this kind of opportunities and assure you that they legitimate and let’s you sign up for membership with your website that meet the requirements.

4. Selling Links
Another way to generate income from you website. The effective way to sell links from your website is searching in the internet to find average prices based on the page ranks, with authority and having a high traffic which can allow you to offer valuable backlinks to your customers increasing their ranks and authority on search engines. All you need is to find the right niche wherein you can sell your links well.

To get a high value of your links, just add new content to your website to increase your authority in every page rank updates. You can keep longer periods of sales to get more income but be sure you have to monitor when subscription runs out and also keep update of your website.

This article is dedicated to product owners who need affiliates to promote their products.

Jolting Your Affiliates into Action
One of the truths of affiliate programs is that not all affiliates produce. This can be the case for two main reasons:

* After the initial enthusiasm, something happened to discourage the affiliate, so they quit trying.
* The affiliate never got enthusiastic in the first place and let the relationship languish.

All too often, the operators of the program simply overlook these affiliates and focus on the ones who are producing revenue.

If you are doing this, stop if now!

Those non-producing affiliates represent a gold mine and you need to do some digging.

The key is to stimulate these inactive affiliates so their interest and enthusiasm are rekindled. Here are some ideas on how to do this:

* Canvass your affiliates who have been inactive for the last three months. Use a simple questionnaire that they can fill out in three minutes or less to indicate what they perceive as their main obstacles to working the program. Always include space for the respondent to include more detail if they wish.
* Offer short term incentive programs. For example, declare a two to three day period where any orders placed due to the efforts of the affiliate will earn a greater commission. Advertise this for at least a couple of weeks in advance, so the affiliates can start brainstorming ways to reel in some customers and place the orders to best advantage.
* Set up a message board. This can help affiliates who feel lost or isolated to develop a sense of being part of a larger working community.
* Create and send out motivational emails at least once a week. Include information about promotion ideas, tips on putting together great emails and classified ads, and any other idea that you think would help spur some excitement.

Think of it this way - if you could motivate even ten percent of your inactive affiliates to become regular producers, your bottom line would improve a great deal in a short period of time.

Why not give it a shot? You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

For more ideas of motivating your affiliates, check out the ebook "Affiliate Boss: Attract and Train Top-Performing Affiliates." You might find just the right idea to kick-start your own affiliate network.

This article is dedicated to product owners who need affiliates to promote their products.

How To Build Rapport with an Auditory-Based Affiliate
As mentioned in the previous article, NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is all about understanding how a person relates to and absorbs information from the world at large. By knowing how a person relates to the world, you can develop a presentation for your affiliate program that will speak directly to that individual, even though it also works for a wide range of other people as well.

When interacting with a potential or existing affiliate that relates to the world primarily with the use of sound, there are three points to keep in mind:

* Sound is your friend. The spoken word rather than the written word will always provide greater impact
* The sounds must be pleasing to the ear as well as informative, if you want the information to click.
* Sounds can be used to convey all sorts of emotions - enthusiasm, sincerity, confidence, etc.

So how do you make use of this information and appeal to an auditory-based affiliate? Here are a few ideas:

* Use a soundtrack with your presentation. Sure, you already use words and pictures anyway. Add an audio element that helps bring those words to life by appealing to the ears as well as the eyes.
* Use more than one speaker for the audio. Two people taking turns adds variety that will help hold the attention of the listener.
* Vary tones, inflections to convey emotions. This also will liven up the audio portion and prevent achieving that dreaded effect of somebody reading off a piece of paper.
* Consider some background audio to enhance the voices. A little soft music or a steady beat can do as much as tone and inflection to help set the proper mood.

Adding audio elements to your visual presentation will not take away from the quality. In fact, it will enhance the overall impact, even for people who utilize sound as a secondary way of relating to the world. While it may take a little extra effort, the payoff will be well worth it.

For more great tips on how to relate to affiliates, pick up a copy of the ebook "Affiliate Boss: Attract and Train Top-Performing Affiliates." This helpful ebook will give you plenty of ideas you can start using today.

This article is dedicated to product owners who need affiliates to promote their products.

How To Build Rapport with a Visual-Based Affiliate
Did you know that most persons who are skilled at the art of NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming claim that the majority of people in the world tend to be primarily visual in the way they relate to the world?

That is good new for you, since much of your effort with affiliate marketing will be visual.

Creating a strong rapport with visual-based affiliates will mean doing several things consistently:

* Using graphics in your communications. These help cause the eye to stop and ponder.
* Employing different size fonts in the body of your presentation. Sub-headers or bulleted lists that use a different font will stand out more and make a greater impact.
* Don't forget about color. Just like using more than one font, employing different colors help to call attention to important points and keep the visual affiliate connected and interested.
* Toss in some pictures. Along with graphics, pictures help to create more visual interest and when placed strategically help to emphasize points in the text.

Of course, you can use all these and still lose the attention of the affiliate unless your text has some teeth. Make sure your copy has all the following:

* Straightforward and simple sentences. Cut out the fluff.
* Facts. Don't make wild claims that any six year old could spot.
* Use questions to trigger thought. This often will cause the reader to want to keep going after pausing for a moment to consider the question.
* A logical flow of ideas. Each sentence should have a logical connection to the last one, and set the stage for the next sentence.

In short, make your presentation factual and interesting by including solid information in the text. Enhance the text with exciting visual elements that grab the attention of the reader and compel him or her to keep reading. By doing this, you will be able to build up a lot of enthusiasm among your visually-based affiliates.

For more great ideas on how to connect with and motivate your affiliates, check out the ebook "Affiliate Boss: Attract and Train Top-Performing Affiliates." This effective tool can help you increase the effectiveness of your network in ways you never thought possible.

This article is dedicated to product owners who need affiliates to promote their products.

How To Build Rapport with a Kinesthetic-Based Affiliate
Of all the various NLP models, persons who approach life with a kinesthetic approach are the most difficult to work with in an online environment. Still, there are a few tools you can utilize to reach people who relate to the world primarily through feelings.

To a degree, you will make use of some of the same tools that were used with affiliates who are primarily visual or audio in their programming. That means you will still make sure your presentation is factual, visually appealing, and also has an audio overlay.

But keep in mind that because kinesthetics have to do with the sensation of touch, you will have to be creative in how you use the medium to create a sense of being touched.

Now, to reach the kinesthetic individual, here is what you need to do:

* Invoke strong emotions. An appeal to emotions by using words and images to conjure up feeling will help to drive your point home.
* Build on those emotions. Don't lose the momentum. Layer another emotion charged image on top of the last.
* Use a combination of sound and sight to create sensations of being touched emotionally and physically.

It is important to note that what you are doing is creating an alternate reality that works with the same force as standing close to an individual, or laying a comforting hand on a forearm while talking.

Incorporating these elements into your presentation will also help enhance the impact for persons who are primarily auditory or visual in their connection to the world, but make use of kinesthetic stimulation as a secondary means of interaction.

This and other ideas are explored in more detail in the ebook entitled "Affiliate Boss: Attract and Train Top-Performing Affiliates." For more helpful tips and ideas, get your copy today.

This article is dedicated to product owners who need affiliates to promote their products.

A Little Known Way to "Click" With a Potential Affiliate
Just about any good salesperson will tell you that in order to make the sale, you have to understand where the potential client is coming from. This is just as true with attracting people to an affiliate program as it is in any other type of selling.

Of course, the approach to finding out where the potential affiliate partner is coming from is a little different online. There are no voice inflections to hear, and not facial expressions to note, at least in most cases.

So how do you get a handle on what rings the bells of your candidates?

First and foremost, you must evaluate which type of sensory input - visual, auditory, or kinesthetic - is the most appealing for the individual. True, everyone relates in all three ways to the world at large, but all people have one primary approach that is the most effective.

To make this type of evaluation online, look at the following resources:

* Blog posts
* Message board posts
* Online newsletters

Evaluate the verbiage used in these written communications and make note of whether the candidate seems to mention sight, sound, or feeling more. This will provide you with insight into the best approach for your pitch.

This predilection to various types of sensory input is the basis for the idea of NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Basically, this approach simply acknowledges that we all learn by using a different mix of senses. Some people are more attracted to elements they can see. Others learn more quickly based on what they hear. Still others rely on touch and feeling as their primary way of gathering and assimilating information. Remember this term, as you will see it mentioned again in later emails.

What you want to do is get a solid handle on the primary way that the individual accepts data and processes it. By doing so, you will be able to develop a presentation that will resonate with persons with each kind of approach to the world. This will help you reach a wider audience and attract many more people to your affiliate program.

For more great ideas on clicking with potential affiliates, get your copy of the ebook "Affiliate Boss: Attract and Train Top-Performing Affiliates." You'll be glad you did.

If you have an affiliate program or want to get a successful one going, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

You see, affiliate programs are often the easiest way to market your online business. Because you get a massive amount of advertising without putting up a cent for an ad that might not work!

This then allows you to reach far more people than you ever could on your own! You only pay for results.

Well, to obtain that you need some works and good motivation, even persistence attitude.

But, no worry, to help you make your effort easier, there are a lot of tools and tips you can use.

Here are some of tips and tools for you:

Review of: Instant Affiliate Submitter

Reviewed by: andraldri hillon

Affiliate programs are one of the most effective ways to recruit active affiliates. They’re free to get listed in and packed with traffic because they get top positions in the search engines.

Moreover, the reason they’re so important to get listed in is that when affiliates go to directories, they’re usually looking for a program to begin promoting right away. This means the affiliates you get from directories are likely to quickly generate sales for you.

This is opposed to most affiliates you get that produce little or nothing.

The problem with affiliate directories is that submitting your listings to them takes forever. You have to literally copy and paste hundreds of lines of information when you submit to only a dozen of them.

And this is where Instant Affiliate Submitter comes in to save the day.

Instant Affiliate Submitter is a click-button submission tool that quickly lists your affiliate programs in all of the major directories with ease!

It has two submission settings, automatic and semi-automatic. The automatic submission allows you to simply fill-in your information and click a button to get listed in a set of top directories.

The semi-automatic mode fills in your information into the forms (no more copying and pasting) and you just click the submission buttons.

So, how well does Instant Affiliate Submitter work?

Well, I put it to the test and was immediately thrilled with results.

With the automatic mode, I just clicked start and was done in less than 10 minutes! Work that would have taken hours to do manually was completed in a tiny fraction of the time.

Then, I moved onto the directories in the semi-automatic mode and submitted to dozens of directories in less than 30 minutes! Best of all, the only thing I had to do was click a few buttons.

Simply put, if you have an affiliate program or are always developing new products, then Instant Affiliate Submitter is a life-saver.

It transforms a tedious and time-consuming effort into a point and click job you can accomplish at lightning fast speed.

Other useful features included the ability to schedule future submissions and the ability to mass select a general category where you want your listings to appear.

These features are huge time-savers when you have more than one program you want to submit.

And this relates to what I like best about Instant Affiliate Submitter. Instead, of having to spend your valuable time doing a job that’s long, boring, and tedious, you can put it where it’s need most… doing what you love most!

Go-ahead and pick-up your copy at:

Review of: Instant Blog Links

Reviewed by: andraldri hillon

Over the last few years, the popularity of using blogs to get traffic, incoming links, and your web pages into the search engines quickly has grown like crazy.

It seems like all website owners have started one at some point.

They’re one of the most effective website promotion techniques. However, there is a problem you face with them. They’re only effective if you’ve got enough time and patience to consistently post to them.

Due to the time demands of blogs, many website owners end up committing “Blogacide” after only a few short months of posting.

Instant Blog Links is a new tool that promises to allow you to get all of the benefits blogs provide by taking advantage of other people’s blogs in your market.

It works in 3 steps:

  1. First, it finds hundreds of blogs in your market.

  2. Next, it allows you to easily identify which ones have the highest page rank (they’re often the ones with the most traffic).

  3. Then, it allows you to create personalized comments for each blog with a few clicks of your mouse.

In other words, this tool transforms a job that would have taken hundreds of tedious hours and allows you to get it done quickly and easily! Not to mention, overtime, the amount of incoming links pouring into your site grows by leaps and bounds.

But, does Instant Blog Links live up to expectations?

The answer is it is a lot more effective, quicker, and easier than doing all of the work yourself. Instead, of creating countless blogs, you take advantage of the work other people already done!

All you have to do is come-up with a high-quality comment for each blog to get it approved by the blog owner. Then, put your link after your name, and watch the traffic quickly pour in!

This tool is easy to use and a huge time saver. Without it, submitting to all of the popular blogs in your markets is virtually impossible.

If you have websites you want to generate more traffic and quality links to, I highly recommend you pick-up your copy now at: InstantBlogLinks

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Guest post by Dush Ramachandran, Vice President Business Development and Marketing, ClickBank (originally posted on

As new entrepreneurs look to make a livelihood on the Internet, affiliate marketing always seems like a good starting point. Working with an affiliate network appears like the way to go. But which one? The choices are many and bewildering.

Here are the Top 5 reasons why ClickBank is your best choice for an affiliate network:

5. Low Barrier to entry:

ClickBank is free for affiliates to join, and unlike other affiliate networks, vendors do not have to approve you before you can promote their products. As an affiliate your contract is with ClickBank. All you need to do is sign up with ClickBank, pick a product to promote from the ClickBank Marketplace, make a Hoplink - and you’re ready to do business. That’s pretty much all there is to it.

4. Sophisticated fraud control:

ClickBank’s industry-leading fraud detection and control technology minimizes fraudulent charges that result in charge-backs and refunds. Also, ClickBank tracks chronic or repeat refunders and “blacklists” them so that they can’t continue to buy products and demand refunds, making it safer and more profitable to promote ClickBank products.

3. Large and varied selection of products:

The ClickBank Marketplace has over 35,000 products from more than 12,000 vendors in topic areas ranging from dog training to body building and from search engine optimization to guitar or language lessons. No matter what your passion, you’re likely to find a ClickBank product to promote. All these products are equally available to all affiliates to promote.

2. Reliable on-time payments:

Since its inception, ClickBank has issued more than 1.0 million checks and paid out more than $1.0 Billion (that’s right – billion with a ‘B’) to clients. We have never missed a payment. Our clients tell us that one of the most attractive things about ClickBank is that, as an affiliate you never have to wonder if you’re going to get paid for the sales you promote.

And the #1 reason ClickBank is your best choice for an affiliate network is:

ClickBank processes the transaction: Since the transaction is processed by ClickBank, a trusted 3rd party, and not the vendor, you as an affiliate do not have to worry about the ethics of the vendors whose products you choose to promote. Unlike other networks, you do not have to rely on the merchant reporting their sales accurately or the systems of the affiliate network and the vendor working efficiently together. The affiliate tracking, transaction processing, commission payout and affiliate management are all handled safely and securely by ClickBank. No slip-ups. No lost sales and commissions.

So what are you waiting for?

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Read the comments about Clickbank below:

By Mark Dulisse at 4:38 5 Feb 2009:

It is seldom that we hear from people that actually work at Clickbank. Very interesting. Thanks for the posting.

By Bryan Hee at 5:02 5 Feb 2009:

Clickbank provided real time statistics for the sales performance. It's easy, convenience and Free to register as many as account you like.

To Your Success
Bryan Hee

By malrencby at 5:08 5 Feb 2009:

Clickbank may have around 35,000 products but many are the same products in a different category. In truth Clickbank have around 8000 unique products, Sill a prodigious number however.

By roseanne at 7:18 5 Feb 2009:

Very new to this game, but I am relying on the recommendations to clickbank. I am setting up my website now. Fingers crossed that all the good things that are said about clickbank are true. Certainly sounds good.

Read more articles and watch video about making money online HERE

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Andraldri is here...

If you are familiar with (R), or even if you are not but you want to make profits online, then you will want to check this out ASAP ...

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Step 1: Join ClickBank

Let's say you are ready to move beyond your day-to-day grind and start making money online.

You then decide to turn your entrepreneurial passion into profit and goes to ClickBank to sign up for a free account. Now you're ready to begin promoting digital products.

Step 2: Find Products to Promote

Then you visit the ClickBank Marketplace and has instant access to tens of thousands of products available for promotion. No contracts or waiting!

You love dogs and chooses the e-book "Dog Training 1,2,3" by Veronica Vendor. Within seconds you're created a personalized HopLink to promote.

Step 3: Promote the Affiliate HopLink

You goe to work online, posting your HopLink in search engine ads, on your pet-training blog, and in the e-book review you write for your favorite dog-training forum.

Step 4: ClickBank Tracks Each Sale

Your hard work pays off. ClickBank pays you your commission (up to 75% of the sale) for each time someone clicks on your HopLink and buys Veronica's e-book.

Step 5: Find and Promote More Products

Yo return to the Marketplace and chooses other products to promote (as many as you want).

You feel in control of your future and as you get better at promoting products you see your earnings grow.

There are at least 5 advantages using clickbank as one and the first affiliate program you should apply:

1. Up to 75% commission :

Commissions of up to 75% — much higher than other affiliate networks
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It is totally possible to make money on-line, there are all kinds of articles and stories about people who have been successful making money through affiliate programs. A great example is Affiliate Super Star Rosalind Gardner who makes over $ 400,000 a year.

There are also lots of "little guys" doing well selling affiliate products.

It has nothing to do with getting in on the ground floor in a particular program. It has nothing to do with having loads of money to market your program. Yes, you do need to have to have a marketing budget, but that is just the cost of doing business.

What it boils down to is knowing what to look for in an Affiliate Program.

More specifically, you look at programs which provide:

1. Products/Services that are in demand. This is pretty obvious, right? If you don't have a market for your products/services then you aren't going to make any money. Now, you did your research already and found that your niche idea does have a what you are doing is looking for products/services to weave into your niche site.

The best product or service to weave in, of course, is one that you have used personally. Nothing works better than giving a personal recommendation. If you can, weave in testimonials from others who have used the same product or service. That way, there is more than one voice and that goes a long way to helping a customer make a well informed buying decision.

2. Look at the Commission Structure. The BEST commission structure is one that pays you on a recurring basis. Monthly income is the best way to go but, depending on your niche, might not always be an option for you. If that's the case then do a little investigative work and check out competitor commission structures, and then, go for the one that pays you the most for a one time sale.

3. Promote more than one product/service. Now this can get a little dicey for you because you don't want to confuse your customer but, you also want to have a few options available for making a sale. Let me explain this a little better for you, by explaining what I would do using the Golf example I referred to earlier in this course.

The niche site that I suggested I would build around the "golf" niche was 'used golf equipment'. I said that I would have had some sort of a membership board where people could post their buy/sell items. That membership site would, of course, be my own product, so that means I would get 100% of the money generated by it.

I also said I could incorporate some form of comparison chart for buying used versus new golf equipment. That way if, say a specific club was selling at $150 used and maybe $185 new, then the customer would be able to decide... new versus old. I would still make the commission on the new item. See where I am going with that???

Ok, addition to the golf products, I would also want to have posted some good content on my web site, as to what to look for when buying used equipment etc. I would post articles that related specifically to my niche. I would then go and apply to the Google Adsense Program and would post little ads on the article pages. If a customer came and decided to clickoff into some other site, then at least I would see a commission from the click. I may then even decide to join or some other online book club and pick a few good golf books to recommend. niche site and I have created 4 income streams for myself. That is what I mean by promoting more than one product or service. Essentially what you are doing is giving yourself a good well-rounded product mix.

You can specialize if you want to. For example, I know of someone who is going to build a niche site around a specific coffee machine that they feel is going to take off. The machine is made from one specific company, which is ok. So they build a site around that machine, then they go a step further and weave in the coffee that you need to buy in order to use the machine. No other company's product/service is involved, just the one specific one.

See where I am going with this? and just how powerful affiliate programs can be...IF you know how to use them in the right manner.

Ok, so let's recap what we need to look for when deciding to participate in Affiliate Programs.

1. YOU WANT programs with products/services that are IN DEMAND.

2. YOU WANT programs that pay you MONTHLY COMMISSIONS if you can have the right affiliate product. Or, at the very least, you want to shop around and find the products with the best commission rate out there.

3. YOU WANT an arsenal of programs that link or tie into one another to give you MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS.

That is what to look for in an Affiliate Program. Now, let's cover how to find an affiliate program for your niche.

The more obvious way to do this is to go directly to the web site of the merchant who you want to work with, and see if they offer an affiliate program. If they don't ... don't worry, we have a few other places to check out. We'll find an affiliate program for you.

Here is one great sites that you can use:


ClickBank is yet another affiliate directory. It is the most popular affilate directory for downloadable products. Actually they only handle downloadable affiliate products.

Here you can make anywhere from 10% - 75% commissions on products or services you sell. Acceptable affiliate commissions today range from 25% to 55%.

The neat thing about ClickBank is that their products are listed by popularity. So, it makes your job a little easier. You can go right for the related product/service that is making the good sales.

Of course these directories will help you find the right merchant program to weave into your site in order to make moneyFree Articles, your homework! Find the one that is going to pay you top commissions.

Use the information you just read and apply it to ALL your niche sites and you can't go wrong!

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