Earn $75 Per Subscription... And Lifetime Commissions on Renewals!
The 5 Pillar Program, hailed as "the best affiliate program on the Net," allows serious full-time entrepreneurs to make a great living, while allowing part-timers to build a solid second income.
By becoming a 5 Pillar Affiliate, you will:
- Earn $75 for each Site Build It! ("SBI!") subscription.
- Get paid annual commission on each and every SBI! renewal with our lifetime customer policy.
- Even earn commissions from 2 tiers of income through sales made by your own team of affiliates, just like Sales Directors in large companies!
Over half of Site Build It! owners purchase more than one SBI! (some over 10!). Since the customer is yours for a lifetime, you earn commissions on those multiple sales. And, of course, on their renewals, too!
5 Pillar earnings really add up, fast.
You will also receive several Sitesell resources (Orientation Guide, Quick Start Guide, and 5 Pillar Marketing Guide) and access to the extensive Promotion Center where you are provided with simple-to-use tools, strategies, and advice to help you succeed... both online and off.
(No, you don't even need a Web site. We offer special OFFline tools and strategies, too!)
It is absolutely free to join and only takes a minute to sign up...

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